Frequently Asked Questions
What is energy healing?
Energy healing is a traditional healing method that restores the balance and flow of energy through the body, mind and soul.
When we are out of balance the energy that naturally moves along our meridians can become stuck (stagnant and blocked) and this creates ill health. Energy healing is the ability of one individual to draw and focus energy towards another in a way that supports their healthy energetic alignment and balance.
I draw on energy from Source (God) and use it to work directly with the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person to improve their wellbeing.
I work with people who are experiencing a vast array of complaints or needs - every person and every situation is different.
Some of the common reasons that people see me include:
Physical health issues; including both acute and chronic pain, pre and post surgery healing, infertility and as a complementary treatment to cancer treatments.
Emotional and psychological pain; including relationship breakdown, grief and loss, anxiety, depression and high levels of stress and overwhelm.
Spiritual blocks or issues; when people are struggling with big life decisions, lack clarity, feel stuck, or are dealing with unhelpful patterns.
Spiritual Development - to open themselves to spiritual awareness and spiritual awakening.
How does distance healing work?
Source (God) has no boundary, so there are no limits to making a connection and receiving the benefits from healing energy. I am not bound by the limitation of one’s mind. I am able to freely move without earth bound restrictions. Going where needed to help you with your healing journey.
When you book an appointment you are asked for the following information:
Your name
Date of Birth
Symptoms or what you would like me to work on.
These details are required to help me connect with you.
At the time of your scheduled appointment we connect using Zoom. We have some time to talk together at the start of the session to discuss your concern in more detail and then I ask you to lay down or sit comfortably whilst the energetic work commences.
We stay connected on Zoom for the length of the session then talk again at the end of the session when the healing for the day is done. It is not important if there is any break in the Zoom link - it is not required for me to keep working on you.
Is there anything I need to do when I am having a healing session?
Your responsibility in this process is to find a safe and comfortable place to lie (preferably) or sit where you will not be disturbed during your session. All you need to do is close your eyes for the session and I will tell you when you may open them. You don’t need to try and work on yourself during the healing, just relax and be open. It’s fine if you fall asleep.
Dr Daniel Houtman